Topics > AgencyBuzz > KB ID # 1317

KB ID # 1317
widgets edit remove refresh home drag quote premium value average time status change policy premium value quote bank balance sent items monthly send balance
Last Update : 2013/06/05
Rating : Not Rated
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Question / Issue
How do I use widgets in AgencyBuzz?

Answer / Solution
  1. Log in to AgencyBuzz.
  2. In the top right hand corner, click the Icon that looks like two gears.
    • It's to the right of the ITC Logo
  3. Click and Drag any of the following Widgets to a highlighted Widget area.
    • Contact Count - shows either a number, percentage, or line graph of your Contact Count based on Status, Insurance Line, Time Span, Agency Contact, and Agent Location.
    • Email Rate - shows either a number or percentage of Engagement, Unsubscribes, Opens, Soft Bounces, Hard Bounces, Click Through to Open Rate, or Click Through Rate.
    • Monthly Send Balance - shows how many email sends you have left for your account this month
    • Policy Count - shows either a number, percentage, or line graph of your Policies based on Status, Insurance Line, Expiration Date, Agency Contact, and Agent Location
    • Quote Count - shows either a number, percentage, or line graph of the Quotes based on Status, Insurance Line, Expiration Date, Agency Contact, and Agent Location 
    • Sent Items -shows either a number, percentage, or line graph of the number of Email Based Mailings based on Type and Time Span 
    • Bank Balance - shows a dollar amount of credits left in your account for Phone Based mailings ($0.10 per mailing), SMS Text Message mailings ($0.02 per mailing), and Print & Mail Based mailings ($1.95 per mailing)
    • Policy Premium Value - shows either a number, percentage, or line graph of your Policy Premium Value based on Status, Insurance Line, Expiration Date, Agency Contact, and Agent Location
    • Quote Premium Value - shows either a number, percentage, or line graph of your Quote Premium Value based on Status, Insurance Line, Expiration Date, Agency Contact, and Agent Location
    • Average Time in Change of Status - shows the amount of time it takes to convert a contact from one status to another based on Insurance Line, Agency Contact, and Agent Location
    • Average Time in Status - shows the Average Time a contact is in a particular status of your choice based on Insurance Line, Agency Contact, and Agent Location
      • Note: All widgets have a Highlight option. Click the Highlight check box and you can select at which point you want the number in your widget highlighted in either red or green based on whether the number is too low or very high respectively
  4. Drag the widgets to one of three of places
    • Home Page - you will see these widgets each time you log in or whenever you return to your home screen
    • Grey Navigation Column - you will be able to see up to two widgets no matter what screen you move to in AgencyBuzz
    • Specific Pages - You can select from any of the pages under Home in the Grey Navigation Column and drag widgets to the top of that page (Contacts, Mailings, Events, etc.). This way you will see these statistics each time you view that specific page.
  5. To Edit: Hover your mouse of the widget and click the Wrench Icon that appear in the top right corner to Edit a widget after you've already placed it on a page
  6. To Refresh: Hover your mouse of the widget and click the Up Arrow Icon that appear in the top right corner to Edit a widget after you've already placed it on a page
  7. To Remove: Hover your mouse of the widget and click the X Icon that appear in the top right corner to Edit a widget after you've already placed it on a page


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