Topics > AgencyBuzz > Surveys > KB ID # 2093

KB ID # 2093
Last Update : 2018/06/18
Rating : Not Rated
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Question / Issue
How do I view, modify, or delete and existing survey in AgencyBuzz?

Answer / Solution
  1. Log in to AgencyBuzz.
  2. Click on the Surveys section from the left hand navigation column.
  3. A list of previously created surveys will be displayed.To search for a survey using the built in search feature type the name of the survey into the search box.
  4. Locate the survey you wish to view, modify or delete and select it.
    1. To view/modify the survey - Click Edit from the top menu bar or right-click on the survey and select Edit Survey.
    2. To delete the survey - Click Delete from the top menu bar or right-click on the survey and select Delete Survey.
    3. The view the survey stats - Click Survey Stats from the top menu bar or right-click on the survey and select Survey Stats.
  5. Hover your mouse over an existing survey question to access the modification options located in the top right corner of each question.
    1. Click the Up arrow to move the question upward in the survey order.
    2. Click the Down arrow to move the question downward in the survey order.
    3. Click the Scroll button to edit the question text and answer options.
    4. Click the X button to permanently delete the question.
  6. Click Add Question from the top toolbar of the survey window to add a question to the survey.
  7. Click View Stats from the top toolbar of the survey window to view the survey responses.
  8. Click Delete from the top toolbar of the survey window to permanently delete the survey from your account. .
  9. When you are finished viewing or modifying the survey, click Save or Save and Close from the top of the Survey window.

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