Topics > Marketing > KB ID # 69

KB ID # 69
Last Update : 2013/08/02
Rating : Rated 3.7Rated 3.7Rated 3.7Rated 3.7
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Question / Issue
How do I setup web statistic tracking on my website?

Answer / Solution

The Insurance Website Builder uses Google Analytics to track visitor statistics.  You will need to follow the following steps to setup this service.

  1. Begin by visiting  the Google Analytics Home Page at

  2. Enter your Google Account email and password and click Sign In. (If you don't have a Google Account, click Sign Up Now to create one.)

  3. You will be taken to a page asking you to sign up for the Google Analytics product. Click Sign Up.

  4. Leave the default choices as is for the tracking method and enter your website name.

  5. Enter your Website's URL, making sure to select http:// from the drop-down list.

  6. Enter the Industry Category. For insurance websites, select Finance.

  7. Enter your local Reporting Time Zone.

  8. Enter your Account Name

  9. Click on Get Tracking ID

  10.  A window will pop up with the Google Analytics Terms of Service. If you agree to these terms, select I Accept to continue.

  11. Now you need to install the tracking code onto your website. A page will displayed with the tracking code in the form of UA-XXXXXXXX-X. Copy only that code. Ignore the other information.  Your tracking ID will vary.

  12. Click here to open the Insurance Website Builder web statistics admin console in a new window. 

  13. Login if required.

  14. Upon the Insurance Website Builder Website Statistics page, input the tracking code from step K into the Google Analytics Account Code textbox.

  15. Click the Save Google Analytics Code button.

  16. Back on the Google Analytics setup site, refresh the page. The status may state that the Tracking has not been installed. However, we suggest you wait 24 hours to check the status again, and the website should be tracking correctly.

  17. Your Google Analytics is now setup within the Insurance Website Builder.

  18. Website statistics take up to 24 hours to begin showing on Google Analytics.

Note this is an advanced feature, should assistance be required, a nominal setup/consulting fee may be assessed.  Google Analytics is a third-party service not associated with the Insurance Website Builder or Insurance Technologies Corporation and support of reports is limited.

Related Links
Insurance Website Statistics Console
Direct access to the website statistics console.
Google Analytics Home Page
Third-party vendor for web tracking.
Google Analytics Support Page
Get support for Google Analytics.

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