Topics > AgencyBuzz > Events > KB ID # 742

KB ID # 742
Last Update : 2012/12/20
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Question / Issue
How do I edit an existing event?

Answer / Solution
  1. Login to AgencyBuzz.
  2. Click the Events item in the left hand column navigation menu. A list of events will be displayed.  These events will be grouped by Status.
    Note: You can search for events by typing the event's name in the search box. 
  3. Once you locate the event that you would like to edit, select the record.
  4. On the toolbar contact options are displayed. These options include Edit and Delete.
    • Event Stats – Allows you to view statistics for the event.
    • Edit – Allows you to edit the Event Name, Event Type, and Event Status.
    • Delete – Allows you to delete the event.
  5. You can alternatively edit an event by double clicking on the event.
    Note: If the event is in process or completed you cannot edit it.  It will redirect you to the event's statistics page.

Reference the Related FAQs section below for detailed information on how to configure each event type.

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