Topics > Site Design > KB ID # 998

KB ID # 998
Change CSS Style Sheet
Last Update : 2012/06/05
Rating : Not Rated
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Question / Issue
Is there a way to create my own css files and use them in my pages?

Answer / Solution

Yes, there a few different methods to apply a custom CSS Stylesheet. If you create a file and save it as ‘style.css’, it can be uploaded directly to your site through the admin console, and with the filename set as style.css it will automatically be combined with your existing default stylesheet. If you want to create an external stylesheet saved as something other than style.css, you can also upload and call that from your Site Content Editor. If the file is name ‘custom.css’, for example, you can call it from the Meta Tags section of the Site Content Editor by using the following code: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css" /> Lastly, you can also apply styles directly from the Meta Tags section using an internal stylesheet.  Make sure that any styles you enter in this section are between 2 style tags: <style></style>

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