Topics > AgencyBuzz > Companies > KB ID # 2085

KB ID # 2085
Last Update : 2018/06/18
Rating : Not Rated
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Question / Issue
How do I add a new company to AgencyBuzz?

Answer / Solution
  1. Login to AgencyBuzz.
  2. Click the Company button in the Create New section of the toolbar.
  3. In the new company window type the name of the company. A company name is required to save the record.
  4. Additional information such as the company's address, web address, phone numbers, and referral source can be inputted as well.
  5. You can provide the company's primary agency contact. The selected agent's office location will be preselected in the Office Location drop down menu. You can override this preselected location if desired.
  6. You can use the search bar next to Primary Contact to assign an existing AgencyBuzz user to this company.
  7. Once finished, click the Save button in Actions section of the toolbar.  Alternatively you can click the Save & Close button to return to the main screen.

To add contacts to a company, create or modify an AgencyBuzz contact record and select the Company name from the drop down menu under Company. Note: You must create the Company in AgencyBuzz before assigning a contact record to it.

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