Topics > Site Design > KB ID # 130

KB ID # 130
Last Update : 2009/09/14
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Question / Issue
How do I change the background color or image on the left hand side navigation menus?

Answer / Solution
  1. Visit the Modify Style and Colors console in the Administration console.
  2. To update the style and colors of your site, click the  icon  to expand each of the Navigation menu element list.
    • Navigation Bar Header (Normal) - Changes the Navigation Menu's Category Header when the caegory is not expanded.
    • Navigation Bar Header (Selected) - Changes the Navigation Menu's Category Header when the caegory is expanded.
    • Navigation Item (Normal) - Changes the Navigation Item when the caegory is not selected.
    • Navigation Item (Selected) - Changes the Navigation Item when the caegory is selected or hovered over with the mouse.
  3. To modify each of the items elements, click the  icon next to the item you want to modify.
  4. You can modify the following elements
    • Background Color
    • Background Graphic
  5. Once the element is modified, click the  button to save or Click the  to cancel your changes.

Note that if you have an image as your navigation menu this will override any color settings that you pick for the background.

Related Links
Modify Site Style and Colors
Direct access to the style and color console.

Related KBs
How do I update the colors and styles on my website?
How do I change the font size and color of the left hand side navigation menu text?

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