Topics > Site Design > KB ID # 159

KB ID # 159
Last Update : 2016/11/16
Rating : Rated 3Rated 3Rated 3
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Question / Issue
How do I modify content HTML directly?

Answer / Solution

It is often needed to add third party code HTML snippets (such as Facebook, YouTube and other widgets) to the console to allow third party widgets such as chat, weather or newsfeeds.  You can easily modify the backend HTML of the site by using the following directions.

  1. Login to the Insurance Website Builder Administration Console
  2. Click the Modify Site Content link
  3. Select the Language you want to modify.  United States English is defualted.
  4. Select the page for which you would like to modify the content. 
    For example, to modify the HTML of the Home Page, select Home Page.  For the text on the About Us page, select About Us.
  5. To modify the default content, select Custom on the Content Type radio button.
  6. At the bottom of the Cotent Window click the  with your mouse, this will take you to HTML View.
  7. Paste or Type the HTML code as needed in the desired format.
  8. Click the Save button.

Related Links
Modify Site Content
Direct access to the modify site content page.

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How do I update the content of my website?

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